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 当前位置:首页 >> 其它测试仪器 >> 选配件 >> 700HTP-1液压测试泵
型 号:Fluke 700HTP-1 液压测试泵
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更新日期: 2025/2/22
简 介:Fluke 700HTP-1 液压测试泵

The Fluke 700HTP is designed to generate pressures up to 10,000 psi/700 bar. The Fluke 700HTP has two pressure ports: 3/8-BSP (ISO228) female parallel thread fitting for the reference gauge or pressure module 1/8-BSP (ISO228) female parallel thread fitting for the unit under test Note: The user must provide a hose with appropriate end fittings from this port to the unit under test. Pressure to 700 bar 型号名称 描述  700HTP-1  液压测试泵

Fluke 700HTP 液压测试泵
This pump can provide up to 10,000 psi using distilled water or mineral-based hydraulic oil. The pump is operated by pumping several strokes to prime the system, then switching to high pressure mode when the resistance increases. An integral pressure adjustment vernier knob varies the pressurized volume by 0.6 cc. The pressure variation achievable with the vernier will depend on the nominal pressure and total pressurized volume, but with a minimum volume, the vernier provided 150-3,000 psi (at 150 psi nominal) and 3,000-10,000 psi (at 3,000 psi nominal) adjustment ranges. With a minimum volume and no pressure applied, the vernier can also be used to provide a 0 to 1.7 psi range. Larger volumes will provide a smaller range of adjustment, but greater resolution.
  • Adapter to connect the reference gauge port on the pump body to the 1/4 NPT male fitting on Fluke 700Pxx Pressure Modules (except 700P29, P30, and P31)
  • Adapter to connect the reference gauge port on the pump body to the 1/4 NPT female fitting on the Fluke 700P29, P30, and P31 Pressure Modules
  • Adapter to convert the unit under test port to a 1/4 NPT female
  • Replacement seal kit
  • Instruction sheet
Fluke 700HTP 液压测试泵
Mechanical & General Specifications

236 x 159 x 70 mm

1.6 kg

One year

Stainless steel

其它说明: 福禄克Fluke700HTP-1液压测试泵选配件,技术指标

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